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Sunday, March 18 0 comments

Hello people, I actually promised to myself to atleast update this blog once a month but omg it's march already!!!!!!! And I don't know where and how to start first because so many things had happened to me. So, i don't know if I should start from January story first or the recent one which is March first???? Omg help!!!!!

You own yourself
Wednesday, October 18 0 comments

In life, there will always things or people that makes us cry, who betray us, who steal from us, that make us wanna kill ourselves at a certain point of time. But let go. Let go of the anger, the grudge and any intention for revenge. Let go and see the bigger picture. An unhappy moment in life, is just another moment among other moments to come. Let go and move on.

And let go of the people who hurt you. They are toxic. It’s nice to be nice but it’s wiser to be wise. I believe that God taught us to be nice to people but God never told us to please everyone we know. We have the right to do the right thing. And as the owner of our own life, we know what’s right for us.

You own yourself, don’t give it away


The answer

You are not gonna chase me aren't you? Well, I guess that's the answer.

Monday, August 28 0 comments

Hi so here i am waiting for my one hour of gap class, listening to spotify with loud volume, feeling like a total shit because everything seems against me. I don't know how to explain this but i swear it hurts like hell. I know i'm not good enough to everyone, i know i am just nothing :(

Fresh start
Sunday, August 20 0 comments


I just want to be the best in everything. Every single thing!

Things changed
Friday, July 28 0 comments

Hello people, what a long time is it? Well, i've been busy with my university life and LOTS has happened to me. I don't know which one I should start first and I don't know how to start. It is so weird to be back on keyboard lol i don't know why. So hiii, today is the last day of my semester break (summer break) and trust me, i'm not even ready to start my very last semester; semester 7.

So as i said before, lots has happened to me....

First things first, i think i lost someone in my life. I don't know what happened to us, i don't have any idea because things move too fast. The minute i knew, we were as we are now; stranger. I miss how things used to be. I miss being around with you, do stupid things together, late night conversations. You know, you were there for me when i needed you, when things get hard, when life fucked me up. You always there and asking me how i'm doing when clearly you know i'm not that okay. You understands me more than i understand myself. I do like you a lot, but i'm late. I don't realize this because i've been denying all these feelings. I thought it wasn't true. But when you are not there anymore, i realized, you are all i need. Sometimes i am so sureeeee that we were meant to be together. Well, people changed, and life must go on. Eventhough it is so hard for me to accept it, i know there's must be reasons behind all these but it is so sad knowing that we can't be that close anymore. Yeah, that life is all about right? People come and  go

Days passed and i started to gain my strength back, continue with my life. I started with myself first. Yep, self improvement, to be better, to love myself more than i did, distract myself by keeping busy with study stuff and yeps i guess it is a success. I just got my result and it was not the best but alhamdulilah it is way better than last semester. Seeeeeee, Allah's plan is always the best hehehe

Don't worry, i'm one hell strong girl and happily moved on :) 

Me to me
Tuesday, February 14 0 comments

Hello, happy birthday, dearself! You know, when no one was there for you but you have yourself to cheer you up and you don't need anyone else to make you happy other than yourself. Here's to 22 strong and independent Naqibah. Cheers!! 

I don't like celebrating my own birthday, I feel awkward but I love getting wishes from closes friends and small dinner celebration with my family. I'm not into fancy celebration. I mean like yes it is so nice for instagram feeds but what's the point of spending so much money to show to people that you are happy? No, it is just my unpopular opinion. You don't have to agree with me. People came with their own point of view.

Dear self, just remember to be kind to everyone even you have to deal with their bullshits. Always give kindness because you don't know what might happen to you in the future. Be grateful, always be grateful even a simple matter. If you think you have a bad life, there are so many people out there are having worse than us.

I am trying. To better me. I am so gonna love 22 me and enjoy to the fullest ((p/s: look at how fake my skin tone i was in that picture hahahahaha so funny well thanks to musecam :P)

Hello two-thousand-seventeen
Thursday, February 9 0 comments

Me: weh dia macam jahat je, taknak lah suka dia
My bestfriend: kau ingat kau baik? Kan orang baik untuk orang yang baik
Me: ......


It was the REALESTTT thing I've ever heard from my bestfriend and i swear i will always always always remember that mantra because i know who i am. I am not that baik to get someone who is baik. Not even close to baik pun. Yes, not even a bit! For 2017; i just want to improve on myself, i want to get better. Not because i want to get someone who has a good attitude and stuff but because of me. I want to be a good version of me. I want to be better in all aspect, either in school life or social or family stuff or as a servant, i just want to be better. Maybe not better, but good or maybe the BEST?

I hope it's not too late, happy new year, 2017 is gonna be lit!!!!

to myself
Sunday, September 18 0 comments

note to self: crying doesn’t make you weak

Monday, April 4 0 comments

It is 6.33 am in the morning and I can't live in peace without writing this post. This post might hurts your feelings, but it even more hurts my feeling if I didn't post this out.

You know, how can some people can make other people feel so bad being themselves?!??? Like they just knew that I killed someone but actually I just did nothing. Seems like you are going to complain or exaggerating or whatever that shit called for me being myself? This is me and this is my life, I am not going to be someone else and I am not going to be someone you want me to be. I'm sorry, but if I did wrong, tell me. Advice me. Don't talk behind me. Don't perli. Don't make me feel so bad being myself. Because you know, deep down it really hurts!

I said "I don't give a shit" a lot but damn why do I have to take this seriously?!??? Because this is not the first time you did this. I am begging you, stop making people feel so bad being themselves. You are not even close to perfect pun.


Things has been really different. I feel like I am not someone who I used to be anymore. So I guess, I am growing up right? I just want to be myself. Memang dari sekolah suka rebel, and now I just realized, I rebel for something I want it to be. I don't wanna be like everyone. If I can be like everyone, I am not special anymore. I want to be special. I want to make things different in my own way. And I'm still figuring out. You know, it's so hard to change to something better kan?

Strange feeling?
Sunday, November 30 0 comments


I don't know how to start this, I don't know how to write anymore. Because what exactly I did right now is lying on my bed and what i know is my eyes burst out into tears. Not that hard one, just a diluted concentration of some chemicals flowing on my cheeks. Not because of painful feeling but maybe because I hold on too long. I don't even know my exact feeling. Really. So heartless, so clueless. Can you tell me what kind of feeling is this? Can you tell me right now?

Life has been good on me. Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah. But I want to be better. Being matured in every aspects. I know, I said "I don't want to grow up" a lot, because I really don't wanna grow up but I realized, I will grow up soon. Soon......

Forgive me if I'm wrong
Friday, November 14 0 comments

My twitter turns 5 today. Yep it has been 5 years I am addicted to twitter. Too many dramas and I don't think I could fit into it anymore. Too many relationship goals, too many hypocrite fellas, too many typical girls who are just tweeting like a desperate bitch. I don't know how many times I have to say this but seriously I am sick. So sick with this society but I am still doing nothing about it. And the least I could do is deactivate my twitter and live my own life which I did every month.

I admit, sometimes you want to tell the whole wide world what you are thinking. Yep same goes to me. But some fellas love to make simple things to complicated way. Don't worry, we are human. We did mistakes. And I am so sorry if I did hurt your feelings. Kosong kosong ok?


8th November 2014, Klebang
Farah, Kakya, Paah, Ardi and Faiz

I know, I will survive 4 years in Malacca with these awesome people and awesome places. Started to fall in love with engineering school. Started to fall in love with these future engineers. Started to fall in love with Malacca so hard. I am so blessed and I couldn't ask no more :-)

Friday, October 24 0 comments

I am so scared of my future ahead. Either in this dunya or in akhiraah because both are really scaring. I know, we all tried to become the best human in dunya. Like we all tried so hard to become the best student; trying to impress everyone. Studying just for the sake of parents, just to impress them. Trying so hard to become someone else; you want basically everything your friends had even it's not a good thing. You push yourself to be an extraordinary human just for the sake of "like" on instagram and "retweet" on twitter. You judge people but at the same time you don't like being judged. You just wanted people to praise you. You just want people to say your personality are so cool. One word; pathetic. If you don't know why you are still breathing oxygen in this planet, you better gotta search the life manual; Holy Quran. Everything's in there. I am not perfect and i am still learning. I am still searching my true self. Life is like a hunger games; you just need to survive in the games (dunya) for a better next level (akhiraah). It sounds so simple but it is you to keep everything you do in istiqamah way. 

All i know is, i am not ready for future yet. I am growing up so fast man and 20 by next year is really a big number for me. Really. I don't wanna grow up because all i want to be is my daddy's favourite princess


Maal Hijrah 98's

Just live your life
Monday, September 15 0 comments

That moment when you just want to cry but you don't have any idea why you want to do so and you feel so empty but you are perfectly surrounded with everything. You feel so lonely but you are not alone; your friends are there for you and you have whatsapp to chat with your parents even they're miles away from you. You feel so bored, even the video games can't entertain you. You feel so hopeless where you wanted to escape from this world and live your life in your own fantasy world. You want to get pampered by your boyfriend but the reality is you don't have one.

Let me tell you something, you want everything in your life but sadly you didn't earn anything. You are just another loser who is still going through the same shit everyday. You are still in your same routine. You want to be an extraordinary person and you want people know about you but you don't have anything to be that famous person. Even if  you have, your self esteem is too low and still need your friends because basically you can't stand by your own feet.

Be you, be yourself. Don't listen to people who just want to let you down. Listen to people who wants you to reach your dreams. Yep, sometimes things didn't go as we planned because the best planner is Allah. Chase your dreams, be beautiful in your own way, ignore those people who gives shit to you, study hard and pass in every exam, have fun with your family and bestfriends, be successful and the most important is pray your prayers. Live your life fellas!

Degree life
Wednesday, August 27 0 comments

3 am while listening to random songs which i just discovered. It has been really awhile since my last post. It's not like i don't want to update my blog but sometimes there's more important things i have to settle down. Trust me, i have a lot of things to share with you guys. I don't care how lame i am because still stuck in blogging because i really don't give a damn!

In less than 98 hours, i am going to start my study life back after having 4 months break. I am pretty sure my brain has rusted and it must be so awkward holding a pen and of course my handwriting will not turn out so good aye? I am pretty excited and really looking forward to my uni life but deep down i'm scared. New environment, people, subjects, lecturers.

Okay here's the story part...

I have been offered to the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan where i don't have any idea how i could get that offer and first thing i said to my mom was "TAKNAK PERGI". No, i'm not being "eww kelantan" but it was the course they offered to me. So i came with plan b which is going to private university. Like I said, I really wanna do something which major in biology like being a nutritionist. Damn, nutritionist are so cool!!! But nah

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui”

Because i did believe in qada' and qadar Allah. I do believe Allah has a better plan for me. I mean like oh yes i did plan all the things for my life but Allah plan is always the best. So, i'll just follow the flow. I'll follow where Allah head me to. I am ready for everything. I am ready taking all the risks in my life. Why i should be scared? Allah is with me.

I'm going to pursue my study in bachelor of chemical engineering technology in food for 4 years. I know it's going to be a very tough 4 years for me. I really hope I can survive through it.

Engineering...yep freaking engineering. Which i hate the most. Which is when people told me they're going to be an engineer, i would be like "eww" or sometimes "woahhhh" because ya know it's really tough with physics thingy hahaha ha ha h a h a  don't ya feel it was funny? 

Tuesday, July 1 0 comments

So much things to express but sometimes words couldn't describe exactly what I feel lagi lagi aku ni tak reti languange. Ayat paling senang; aku bukan orang sastera. Aku tak suka bahasa. Complicated. I do like sciences very much walaupun takde ah pandai mana pun kihkih. It is just i wanna gain knowledge je.

I applied all courses which major in chemistry while i freaking in love with biology. Only God knows how much i love biology!!!!!! But my biology's results is not good as semester 1 and that is why i couldn't apply major in biology but most of my courses i applied is minor in biology ;-)

I know Allah has planned the best for me. So why would i be afraid when Allah is always with me?! I studied because i wanna gain knowledge. My i-dont-know-which-post that i mention how dying i am to become a doctor, i already made up my mind. Eventhough i am going to take different courses, it doesn't means i couldn't study about medical stuff kan? Alamak aih lek ah, ilmu Allah tu luas beb. Kalau boleh aku taknak kerja. Nak belajar sampai bila bila.

p/s: I miss studying!!!!!! Rasa pelik bila hari hari kehidupan aku tak dipenuhi dengan homeworks :-((

Friday, June 6 0 comments

Alhamdulilah, alhamdulilah, alhamdulilah. Whatever your result is, just be grateful. Well, Allah will give you more than you have if you always be grateful ^^ Well my result is not good like what I've achieved in semester 1 but it is way more than i expected.

Because all these while in semester 2....

Tak pernah langsung dengar kuliah kimia
Bila nak ponteng mintak izin lecturer since lecturer kimia adalah lecturer lab, tuto dan kuliah
Buat tuto kimia sampai chapter 5 walaupun sebenarnya ada 13 chapter
Bila time lab kimia, aku dengan Vee je buat experiment sebab semua orang nak study

Mesti korang rasa macam bapak awesome gila lecturer kimia kau. Hahahaha yep she is. Setiap kali kuliah mesti bawak jajan dan bagi dekat semua. SATU KULIAH. Kau tahu tak satu kuliah tu berapa ramai ha. Pastu dalam lab lecturer bawak muruku dan air. Setiap kali tuto buat dekat library sambil bawak roti. She is really sempoi!!!! Tapi yep, i feel really bad sebab cover semua 13 chapter time study week ha ha ha

Tak, aku tak bangga langsung dengan semua kejahatan yang aku buat sebagai seorang pelajar. Malah aku bersyukur. Life is all about learning your experience and fix everything back.

Ya Allah
Tuesday, June 3 0 comments

Ya Allah, Ya Karim,
Please have mercy on me

Ya Allah, Ya Karim,
Please forgive me for the sins I committed in the past
And those I will commit in the future.

Ya Allah,
Have mercy on all the Muslimeen,
And guide them.
Guide me Ya Allah,
And guide my parents,
My siblings, my cousins,
My aunts and uncles,

Ya Allah,
I ask You to strengthen my iman and those around me.
I ask You to soften my heart
And to soften the hearts of the believers.

Ya Allah,
Forgive me for my shortcomings, for only You are perfect.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me if I ever got too wrapped in a matter
That I didn’t have time to utter Your name.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me for all the salat I missed
Because of ignorance or laziness,

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For the pound I never dropped into the metal cup for the homeless man begging on the street.

Ya Allah,
Please spark the love of Islam in my heart and in the hearts of every single Muslim
Until it gets implanted in their children and their children’s children and so on.

Ya Allah,
I ask that You help me for I am weak
And will only grow stronger by Your strength,
So Allah please strengthen me
To fight Satan and his whispers.
And if I ever fell into his trap
And followed my desire,
Then sincerely forgive me,
For that displays not only my weakness,
But Your greatness as well.

Ya Allah,
Please lighten the punishment in the grave
For those before us and those after us.
Please Allah, lighten the punishment
And please shed light into every Muslim’s grave.

Ya Allah,
If I ever was too afraid
To stand up for Your deen
Because of what others would think
Then forgive me, for I was a fool for doing so.

Ya Allah,
Please protect me and each Muslim,
And protect especially the orphans and the widows.

Ya Allah,
Please strengthen the faith
Of the destitute Muslims around the world,
So they have hope to live.

Ya Allah,
If I ever forgot to do dua for even one suffering Muslim,
Then forgive me for then it is, as I haven’t done dua for the entire ummah.

Ya Allah,
Please be the light of my eyes, ears and heart.

Ya Allah,
Please be the light on the sides of me
And the light behind me
And the light in front of me.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For all the foul words I spoke
Either out of ignorance or
Because I was trying to be “cool”.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
If I never stopped to think about You,
Due to “other important things”

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For not having enough time
Or creating time for reading the Quran.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For listening to music
And watching movies and television

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For all the yelling I’ve done
And the arguments I’ve been in.
For the only time
The voice should be raised
Is for Your praises!

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
For my disrespect towards my family,
Elders, siblings and so on.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me for any backbiting I have been accused of,
Whether I did it consciously or unconsciously.

Ya Allah, Ya Rab al-Alamin,
Forgive me,
Forgive me for everything.
So for everyone,
Every single Muslim,
Dead or alive,
I do dua that You forgive them for all their sins.

Ya Allah,
Please please please
Help the suffering Muslims 
of Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya,
Bosnia, Gujarat, Nigeria,
Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere around the world.
Please Ya Allah, make the Mujahideen victorious,
And let the beauty of Islam reign!

Ya Allah, give victory to the Muslims!
Ya Allah, please let true Islam reign!
Ya Allah, please increase our knowledge of Your deen and this world.

Ya Allah,
Please help us all and guide us,
For You are everything to us.

Ya Allah,
I cannot stress how much I ask for Your forgiveness and Your guidance.

Ya Allah,
I fear You
I fear You soooo much words cannot describe.
I fear the day when I will meet You,
And I WILL meet You.
When we are one on one,
And I have no one’s help or support.
No one can take the blame for me
Nor I for them.
The only thing I will have
Is a little book given to me by You
That has my deeds.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me for my thoughts,
For even though I get sinned for my actions,
I cannot help but feel guilty for my thought
And I ask You to forgive me for them
And to clear my mind of any impurities
Until You become the only thing on my mind.

Ya Allah,
Please forgive me
If I ever did anything out of gain
For this life and not for Your pleasure.
If I did anything to “show off”
Then please forgive me for that.

Ya Allah,
I do dua that You grant us all God-fearing spouses
And grant us righteous children.

Ya Allah,
I do dua that You continue to strengthen this ummah until the Day of Resurrection.

Ya Allah,
Forgive me for whatever I have not mentioned,
For I am bound to forget
…but You,
through Your greatness…
You never forget.

Ya Allah,
Please grant all the Muslims Jannah-tul-Firdaus.

Ya Allah,
I ask that You shed Your mercy
On all the Prophets (peace be upon them)
And on all the Angels (peace be upon them).
Lastly, I do dua
You shed Your mercy
On the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),
His family and companions.
I do dua that You grant Muhammad
The highest station in paradise.


Sick soul

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Yep, I am back. So sick with all these social networks but I can't get enough updating my blog since I don't have to interact with people. It's not like I don't want to interact with people but... Nah nevermind.

Terfikir jugak nak uninstall whatsapp yang aku selalu buat masa form 3 dulu
Terfikir jugak nak delete instagram tapi tiada kekuatan lagi
Terfikir jugak nak keluar dari social networks semua ni


Aku cuma nak cari siapa diri aku sebenar
Aku cuma nak cari erti sebenar ketenangan
Aku cuma nak cari kebahagiaan

Dan aku masih lagi teraba raba
tercari cari lagi. 

Ya Rabb,
You are the only one I need

Selamat tinggal
Thursday, May 29 0 comments

Aku ego
Sebab apa
Aku taknak jadi perempuan desperate

I'm leaving-

Happy 365 days
Tuesday, May 27 0 comments

Pictures with me and mummy, felo kolej kediaman polaris. Happy 365 days mummy and thanks for taking care for the whole princesses who stayed in polaris. Well, polaris is the best among the best!!

Blok paling best walaupun pukul 2 pagi still lagi ada yang lari lari dekat koridor menjerit jerit. Ye ye, yang main kejar kejar pagi pagi tu aku...

Blok yang asyik blackout

Blok yang paling tak banyak drama

Blok yang dilabel sebagai budak budak hot even i am out of the list

Blok yang paling bising sampaikan kau tak tahu dia gelak nak mampus sebab kena rasuk atau terlalu happy sangat

Thank you polarisians, i am glad i am one of it out of 600+ princesses. Walaupun tak rapat sangat dengan wing belah lyra dan wing hadap kelapa sawit tapi aku sebagai budak wing belah carina proud to be one!

And thank u mummy, mama hajar dan mama noreita.

Thank u polaris for the great memories.
Happy 365 days ((27th May 2013-27th May 2014))